A fox without a tail completing story in English

A fox without a tail story in English
A fox without a tail story in English

A fox without a tail story in English : One a fox fell into a trap. He struggled hard to get free and managed to be free but lost his tail. without the tail the fox looked strange. he felt sad and ashamed. He thought and thought and hit upon a plan. He called a meeting of all the foxes in jungle. when all the foxes came to the meeting , the fox without the tail felt pleased and said, ” I’ve made a great discovery . what use are the tails of? no use at all. Moreover , it makes us ugly. That’s why I’ve cut my tail. without my tail i feel so free, light and sportive. i can run faster than ever before . so cut off your tails as I’ve done.”

The foxes listened to him with attention and many of them called his suggestion a good one. Gradually almost all the foxes were moved with the new idea. Again the fox without the tail had told them about the disadvantages of having tails, they started to feel their tails like a burden. So, the most of the foxes decided, “We’ll cut our tails off without any delay.”

At that very moment a wise fox stood up and said, “Listen to me, please. Don’t accept his suggestion. That fox fell into a trap and lost his tail. Now he looks funny. So he wants us all to look like him. Don’t follow his suggestion. Now, all the foxes started thinking over the point of the wise fox. They found sense into his speech.

The wise fox then said, “Look at your tails. how nice they are! Nature has given us this tail. And remember, everything natural to animal kingdom is beautiful and useful.” The fox without the tail found that his trick had been spoiled. So, he ran away. Thus the wise fox frustrated the plan of the deceitful fox.

The Fox without a tail story in English 2:

Once a fox was caught in a trap, and the only way he could save himself was by leaving his tail behind him. Knowing that without a tail he would be the laughing stock of all the other foxes, he almost wished that he had died rather than having saved himself. Determined to make the best of a bad situation, he called a meeting of the foxes and proposed that everyone should follow his example.

“You have no idea of the ease and comfort with which I now move about,” he asserted. “I would never have believed it if I hadn’t tried it myself. But when you really think about it, a tail is such an ugly, inconvenient , unnecessary appendage , and the only wonder is that we as foxes, could have put up with it so long.

Therefore, I propose my worthy brethren, that you all profit from my wonderful experience and that, from this day on, all foxes should cut off your tails.” When he sat down, a wise fox stood up and said, “Listen to me, please. Don’t accept his suggestion. That fox fell into a trap and lost his tail. Now he looks funny. So he wants us all to look like him. Don’t follow his suggestion. Now, all the foxes started thinking over the point of the wise fox. They found sense into his speech.

The fox without the tail found that his trick had been spoiled. So, he ran away. Thus the wise fox frustrated the plan of the deceitful fox.


  1. Anonymous April 20, 2020
  2. Anonymous April 23, 2020
  3. Anonymous May 31, 2020
  4. Sahil Tanbeer December 10, 2020
  5. Shahi mubarak December 17, 2020

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