Application for debating club in English for all class

Application for debating club : Write an application to the Headmaster / Principal of your School / College asking permission for setting up a debating club/ an English debating club.

Application for debating club

An application to the headmaster for debating club

25 May 2021
The Principal
X School

Subject : Application for setting up a debating club

Dear Sir,
With due respect , we would like to inform you that ours school is one of the renowned school in Dhaka , but there is no debating club in our school. we feel the need of a debating club. Because debating develops one’s ability to acquire knowledge and skills of speaking. It also helps one to be prepared for the future leadership. Being involved with debating, we can develop our interpersonal skills. In addition to this, it will help us to be more logical and practical in writing.

We request you to make necessary arrangements to establish an English debating club in our school and nominate a teacher as a guide.

Sincerely Yours
Md Reduanul Hasan
Roll-1, Class -X, Group -Business studies ,
On behalf of the students

An application to the principal for debating club

25 May 2021
The Principal
X College

Subject : Prayer for setting up a debating club / an English debating club in the college campus .

With due respect, we would like to state that ours is one of the most renowned colleges in the district. Here, most of the students are encouraged to perform many co-curricular activities along with increasing their English speaking skill in Bengali and English. But it is a matter of regret that we do not have a debating club in our college and there is no scope to arrange regular debating activities. Now we earnestly feel the necessity of setting up a debating club/ an English debating club and arranging regular debating activities in our college.

We therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take necessary steps for setting up a debating club/ an English debating club in our college and oblige thereby.

Obediently Yours
Md Reduanul Hasan
Roll-1, Class -Xi, Group -Business studies ,
Jannatun Nahar
Roll -1 , Class -Xi ,Group-Science,
On behalf of the students

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