Application for opening a debating club

Application for opening a debating club: Write an application to the Principal of your college asking for permission to Open a debating club in your college.

Application for opening a debating club
Application for opening a debating club

November 10, 2009
The Principal,
Cumilla Government College,
Cumilla, Bangladesh.
Subject : Prayer for permission to open a debating club.
With due Respect, I beg to state that ours is one of the oldest and biggest colleges in the district. It is famous for standard education and extra-curricular. we enjoy almost all facilities in our college but there is no debating club here. A debating club is also a very use I part of education. No student can prosper (shine) in life only reading books. A debating club helps a student to develop the power of thinking as well as the power of reasoning wonderfully. It also helps to promote his speaking skill. In a word, a debating club awakens the latent talent of a student. The students of our college are very much interested in participating in any debating competitions. Now we badly need a debating club for us.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly permit us to open a debating club in our college campus and oblige there by.
I remain,
Yours obediently,
Rabindra, Class :xi
On behalf of the students of Comilla Govt. College.

One Response

  1. Md Kayum Hossain September 12, 2020

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