Write a letter to your father asking for money

Write a letter to your father asking for money.

a letter to your father asking for money
a letter to your father asking for money

C M College Hostel.
10 Nazrul Avenue, Comilla.
January 02, 2020.

My dear father,
Thanks a lot for your kind letter. I am very glad to know that you are keeping well. I am also petty well with our family. You will be very glad to know that the result of my Annual examination published yesterday. I have stood first in the examination obtaining 92% marks in all the subjects. Our new classes start from January 10, 2020. The new book list will publish very soon. So, I have to buy new books for the new class. I also need a set of college dress (uniform). Now I need Tk. 3000. So, you are requested to send the said amount of money as soon as possible. Don’t worry for me. I always abide the rules of good health. No more today. With my best regard to you and mother.
Your loving son,

A letter to your father asking for money version 2 :

a letter to your father asking for sending money
a letter to your father asking for sending money

Asad Hall,

M.M College


May 2nd 2019

My dear father
You will be glad to know that I have stood first in the test examination of our college. I have the confidence to do better in the final examination. The result has come out just today morning. This result is upto my expectation. I hope I will do better in the final examination. The teachers patted on my back. The principal called me in person and encouraged me to work harder so that I can do better than this in H.S.C final examination which means I should get golden A+ in the final exam. That will raise the position of our college. The principal declared monthly scholarship of Tk.2500 for me. This is the first time I have got any scholarship. So you can better understand how I am feeling. I have realised that hard work is the key to any success. Pray for me so that I can work harder in the days ahead. I think you all will be happy at the news. Now I need to buy books for 2nd year. It may cost Tk. 2000. So, when will you send me money? Try to send this additional amount of money.
I am fine. Take care of your health. How is mother? My best compliments to you all.

Yours loving son

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  1. Anonymous July 29, 2019
  2. composition February 16, 2020

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