A letter to your friend to spend summer vacation with you

Suppose, summer vacation is coming. Now, write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend the summer vacation with you.

A letter to your friend to spend summer vacation with you
A letter to your friend to spend summer vacation with you

May 28, 2021
Ashuganj, B. Baria.
Dear Shuvo,
I have received your letter. From the letter I came to know that your summer vacation is going to start the same day as ours. I invite you to spend the vacation with me at our village home. I can assure that you will
have a wonderful time, if you are with me in our village during the summer. We have an orchard where we have jackfruit, mango, black berry. pomegranate, star apple and many other fruit trees. So you will be able
to eat plenty of these fruits. Besides there are river ghat, vast crop field etc. Which may be the source of our ample merriment. So, don’t miss, please. As you have never been in our village during the summer, you have not enjoyed many beautiful things of our village. I am eagerly and patiently waiting for your happy arrival.
My best wishes and compliments to your parents and youngers.
Lovingly yours,

Note: Draw an envelope here and wriie the full addresses øfthe writer and the addressee.

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