2 Application to the chairman for repairing the damaged road

Application to the chairman for repairing the damaged road: Write an application to the chairman of your Union Parishad to repair the road damaged by the recent flood immediately.

Application to the chairman for repairing the damaged road
Application to the chairman for repairing the damaged road

15 July, 2020
The Chairman
Dulalpur Union Parishad
Homna, Comilla.
Subject : Application for repairing a damaged road.
Dear Sir,
On behalf of the people of the village Joynagor, I beg to state that the main road leading to Dulalpur from our village has been badly damaged by the recent flood. The road is full of holes and is now almost closed to vehicular traffic. As a result, the villagers, specially the students of different schools and colleges have to suffer terribly . Even mooing at night has become dangerous because of the holes in all the road.
In the circumstances stated above, I request you to take immediate steps to repair the damaged road.
Yours faithfully,
On behalf of the people of Joynagor, Homna.

Application to the chairman for repairing a damaged road 2 :

20 January, 2020
The Chairman
Bhairabpur union Parishad,
Kishorgonj, Bangladesh.
Subject : Application for repairing the damaged road.
I, on behalf of the inhabitants of village Bhairabpur union Parishad , beg to state that ours is a rural area of a large population. It is a low-lying area. Almost every year floods occur and damage our crops, houses, trees and roads. The recent devastating flood has caused untold losses to our crops, bridges and roads. The roads of our locality have been seriously damaged by the recent flood. As a result, no vehicle can ply along the road which runs through our village to the kishorgonj town. Everyday thousands of people go to the town along the road for different purposes. The people have been suffering much for a few months. Specially the sufferings of the female students know on bounds. Now the repairing of the damaged road is badly needed very soon.
I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take necessary steps to repair the damaged roads and remove our sufferings.
Yours faithfully,
On behalf of the people of Bhairabpur


  1. Anonymous April 11, 2020
  2. Anonymous November 7, 2020
  3. sadika December 8, 2020

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