Dialogue about rules of good health

Dialogue about rules of good health
Dialogue about rules of good health

Dialogue about rules of good health : A dialogue between Barkat and Rafiq about the rules of health.

Barkat : Good morning, Rafiq! How are you?
Rafiq : Good morning, dear friend! I am fine and you?
Barkat : I am nice too. I am very glad to meet you so early on the river-side.
Rafiq : I am also glad to meet you here.
Barkat : Do you walk on the river-side every morning so early?
Rafiq : Yes. Every morning. Don’t you walk early in the morning, dear Barkat?
Barkat : No. Because I don’t know the benefits of it.
Rafiq : We should follow the rules of health. Walking early in the morning is an important rules of health.

Barkat : Please tell me more clearly about the rules of health.
Rafiq : Eating a balanced food in time, sleeping properly, taking a rest properly, drinking enough safe water, taking physical exercise regularly, getting up from bed early and going to bed early are the principal rules of good health.
Barkat : Thanks. Could you please tell me the benefits of following the rules of health?
Rafiq : Of course. By following the rules of health we can maintain sound health and sound mind.
Barkat : Thanks a lot, Rafiq. I have learnt a lot about the rules of health. No more today. Good bye!
Rafiq : You are always welcome. See you again. Good bye.

You can Also read : The rules of good health paragraph

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  1. Anonymous May 1, 2020

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