My childhood memories essay / composition for students

My childhood memories essay
My childhood memories essay

My childhood memories essay : Childhood is the sweetest and most memorable period in a man’s life. Every man or woman has childhood memories. I have also some memories. Very often these memories are reflected on my mind in my loneliness . Whenever I remember my childhood days, I feel happy and delighted.

My birth and parentage: I was born in a small village in the district of Comilla. My father was a village school teacher. Ours was a simple house where I lived happily in the midst of my parents, brothers and sisters. My mother was very affectionate and my father was a very sober person.

Memories with my peers : I always remember the playground which was behind our house. I always used to play there with my friends and peers. Our village was on the bank of Titas. In all seasons, Titas had a great attraction for me. I and some of my friends used to go on the river, jump into it and swim in it. Sometimes we caught fishes by hook.

Stealing of fruits : The memory of my stealing fruits is very interesting. I was very fond of stealing mangoes, lichis, black berries and other fruits with my friends. One day I and some of my friends went to steal mango in a certain tree. But the owner of the tree caught us with mangoes. We were trembling with fear. But the man did nothing. I shall never forget this memory.

The village maktab : The village Maktab was another charming place. An old Maulovi shaheb used to teach us there. It was housed in a small but attached to the village mosque. A large number of boys and girls used to attend there. We would learn our lessons, with great noise, but our old teacher did never threaten us. Though we did not fear him, we definitely loved him.

My first day at school : The memory of the first day at school is still fresh in my mind. My father took me to the nearest primary school for admission. I was taken. to the Headmaster’s room. At first I got frightened. The Headmaster asked me some questions. I could answer them properly. I was allowed to get myself admitted into class one and went to the class. My classmates received me cordially.

The village hat : Another attraction for me in my childhood was the village hat. The hat used to sit twice a week near the river Titas. It was the biggest hat in the locality. I used to go there with some other children. We used to take with us our little fund of a few paisa to buy sweets from the vendors. After spending a few hours there we would come back at nightfall.

Painful memory : All of my memories are not joyful. Some are also painful and heart touching. The death of my grandmother is one of them. One morning, I heard the sound of crying from my grandmother’s living room. We rushed there. I saw my grandmother lying on her bed with a white sheet covering. I could understand that she is no more in the world. I was greatly shocked and wept. It was the first death scene in my life. I will never forget this sad event.

Conclusion : Except some events, my childhood days were really happy. The happy memories of those days still fill my heart with great joy. I Wish I could have my childhood days again.

One Response

  1. Anonymous May 11, 2020
  2. Anonymous May 20, 2020
  3. Anonymous June 10, 2020
  4. Anonymous June 12, 2020
  5. Anonymous July 2, 2020
  6. Ariful Haque September 10, 2020

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