The Ungrateful Tiger Story in English

The Ungrateful Tiger Story
The Ungrateful Tiger Story

The Ungrateful Tiger Story : There was a tiger in a forest. One day it killed a large buffalo. While it was devouring large parts of its prey, accidentally, a sharp bone struck inside its throat. It was groaning from the severe pain of the injury inside its throat. The pain was so severe that it even could not move its head. It seemed to the tiger that the bone might stick out if it moved. Yet it tried its best to get relief of the bone. But all its attempts went in vain. It was then crying for help. But no animal of the forest came to its help.

A crane heard its groaning sound. It came near to the tiger.The tiger told the crane to remove the bone from its throat.The crane agreed but at the same time demanded prize for the job. The tiger promised to reward the crane amply. The crane put its long neck into the throat of the tiger and brought the bone out with great care. Instantly the tiger was relieved from the pain. Then the crane mildly reminded the tiger of its prize. At this the tiger got furious. It asked the crane angrily whether it was not an invaluable prize that the crane had got its neck out safe from its throat. The crane then realized the ungratefulness of the tiger and left the place with a heavy heart.

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