value of time essay / composition in english

Value of time essay: The value of time in our life and in this world knows no bound. Time has started its march from the very beginning of the creation of the world. This very ancient march has no end. But we have been sent to this world for a very short time. So, we have no alternative to make our life successful without the proper use of time.

temporariness of time : Time never stays for anybody. It just goes on and on. The popular saying goes Time and tide wait for none. Time once lost is lost forever. Lost health, wealth etc. may be regained. But lost time never comes back. A boy being unmindful to his lessons will surely find someday that he has lost the opportunity or time to make himself learned. That is why, there is a wise advice — “Take time by the forelock” meaning — Utilize time in time.

Utilization of time: Every moment of our life is very precious. Our success depends on the best use of these moments. For this, we must be dutiful sincere and hardworking. We must make a proper division of our time and do our duties properly. Only then we will be able to go forward and reach our goal.

Waste of time : Many people waste time being engaged in gossips, speaking ill of others, strolling about aimlessly with idle companions, reading worthless books or in other useless occupations. These people, when in crisis in some stages of life, look back to the gone days. But they can do nothing but repent about the sheer waste of time they made in their early life.

Sufficient time for the punctual: Some people say that they have no time for doing everything they need to do. Actually, they are deceiving themselves in this way. If they are punctual and industrious, they will find sufficient time for everything. Infact, the busiest man in the world has the greatest amount of leisure. This is because that he never puts off anything for tomorrow.

Lesson from history : History provides many examples of the importance of time. One of Nepoleon’s generals was a few minutes late in Water-loo’s battle field. As a result, Nepoleon had to face a terrible defeat. On the other hand, Robert Bruce, Abraham Lincoln, Einstein, Aristotle and such other great persons led their fives to the top of success making the best use of time.

Conclusion : We are the best creation of Allah. We owe to Him because He has sent us to this beautiful earth. To pay off our debt to some extent, we must makeproper use of time. Because anything good can be done or achieved Me only through making the best use of time.

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