Application for increasing common room facilities

Write an Application to the principal of your college For Increasing common room Facilities.

Application for increasing common room facilities
Application for increasing common room facilities

14 June,2021
The Principal
B.A.F Shaheen College, Dhaka.

Subject: Application for increasing common room facilities.

Dear Sir,
We, the students of your college, would like to draw your kind to the fact that we have a common room. But it cannot provide us with enough facilities for recreation . The common room is very small. Many students cannot take part in different activities in the room at a time. It is not well furnished . Benches and chairs are not adequate . There is no English daily in the common room. Game articles are not sufficient. The only one chess-board cannot meet our demand. Many students loiter here and there without having proper facilities in the common room. So, the improvement of the common room facilities is badly needed.

We request you to take necessary steps for increasing facilities of our college common room.

Your Obediently
The students of
BAF Shaheen College

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