Email for increasing common room facilities

email for increasing common room facilities
email for increasing common room facilities

Suppose, there is a common room in your school but it has no sufficient facilities for the students. Now, write an e-mail to your Headmaster/ Headmistress for increasing common room facilities in your school. The e-mail can be sent to In your e-mail you should include- a subject line, salutation/greetings, what things are needed in the common room, a closing mark and your name.

To: The Headmaster<>

Subject: Request for increasing/enhancing common room facilities

With due respect and humble submission we would like to expose here that we are the regular students of your famous school. Our school is adorned with many modern facilities. But it is a matter of regret that there is no facility for reading newspaper and playing indoor games in the common room. As a result, we cannot pass our leisure period effectively and enjoyably.

It is therefore, hoped that you would be kind enough to take immediate step to increase common room facilities and help us to have joy and enjoyment, sage and sagacity.

Yours obediently
Ahsanul Hakim
On behalf of the students

You can also read : Application for increasing common room facilities

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