Application For Permission to stage a Drama

Application For Permission to stage a Drama: Write an Application to the principal of your college seeking permission to stage a drama in the college auditorium.

Application For Permission to  stage a Drama
Application For Permission to stage a Drama

9 July , 2021
The Principal
Lalmatia College

Subject: Application For Permission to stage a Drama

Dear Sir,
We, the students of your college would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that we want to stage a drama ‘Tipu Sultan’ on the occasion of the celebration of the “16 December” in our college auditorium. Rehearsal of the drama has been completed most successfully. It’s an interesting matter that all of the role will be played by the students of your college. We hope that the drama will encourage the students in the cultural activities. The budget of the Annual Drama is enough to meet the necessary expenditure.
Our Bengali professor Sheoli Parvin, has kindly consented to guide us in this matter.

We will be very glad if you grant our case with sympathy and permit us to stage the drama and sanction the fund at our disposal so that we may arrange everything successfully.

Yours obediently,
The students of
Lalmatia College.

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