Application for Transfer certificate

Application for transfer certificate
Application for a transfer certificate

Application for Transfer certificate (TC) : Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for a transfer certificate.

20th August 2020
The Principal,
Alomdanga School, Chuadanga.
Subject- Prayer for transfer certificate .
With due respect and humble submission beg to state that I am a student of class 6/7/8/9/10 . My father is a Government employee. He has been working at Alamdanga as a T.N.0 for two years. Recently, he has been transfered from Alomdanga to Duhar. Our family will be shifted there. I have to go with my family soon. I want to get admission there. For my admission purpose I need transfer certificate.

I therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly grant my application and issue me a transfer certificate and oblige there by.
I remain,
Yours Obediently,
K. Fatima,
Roll No-37 , Class 6/7/8/9/10

Application for Transfer certificate:

Write an application to the Principal of your college for a transfer certificate.

1 July 2020
The Principal
X College
Subject –Application for a transfer  certificate (TC)

Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that I am a regular student of XI of your college. I have been i studying in your college for the last one year under your kind and efficient guidance. I have been benefited from my stay at your institution both academically and extra-academically. But this is really a matter of concern that my father who is a govt. official, has been transferred from here to Chittagong. Our family has also been shifted there. My parents want me to go with them and study in a college there. So, it has become an urgent necessity to get a transfer certificate from you so that I can get myself admitted into a college in Chittagong. I like to mention here that I have cleared up all my tuition fees.

I therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly grant my application and issue me a transfer certificate and oblige there by.
Yours obediently
Class -xi

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  1. Anonymous March 14, 2020
  2. composition March 14, 2020

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