2 Dialogue about deforestation and its effect

Dialogue about deforestation and its effect
Dialogue about deforestation and its effect

Dialogue about deforestation and its effect : A dialogue between two friends about deforestation and its effect.

Abir : Good morning, Salman. How’re you?
Salman : Good morning. Fine. Thanks and you?
Abir: I’m also fine, thanks. Are you thinking about something?
Salman : Oh, yes. I’m thinking about deforestation and its effect. It has become a burning question of the day.
Abir: Can you tell me what deforestation is?
Salman : Deforestation means cutting down trees in large number.
Abir : Okay. But what are the causes behind it?
Salman : The causes of deforestation are many. The primary cause of it is population increase. Besides this, people cut down trees to draw quick profit, to get more space for cultivation and for the lucrative price of wood.
Abir : Right you’re. What are the adverse effects of deforestation? . .
Salmin : The adverse effects of deforestation are many and different. You know very well that trees give us shade and shelter. They also provide us with fruit and timber. They cause rainfall and help agriculture. They prevent soil erosion and flood. They give us oxygen and take carbon-di-oxide. They maintain ecological balance. Now, you can easily realize that if trees and plants cut down indiscriminately, we’ll get into a lot of Problems and we’ll be deprived of those benefits.
Abir : How can we get rid of this curse?
salman : The cutting down of trees must be stopped, early marriage must be banned, social awareness must be raised about the danger of deforestation.
Abir : You’re quite right. Good bye, now.
Salman : Good bye. See you again.

Dialogue about deforestation and its effect 2 :

A dialogue between Zoha and Rafiq about deforestation and the results/dangers of/ effects of deforestation.
Zoha : Good morning, Rafiq! How are you?
Rafiq : Good morning, dear friend! I am fine, and you?
Zoha : I am also fine. But I am very anxious about the danger of deforestation.
Rafiq : Could you please tell me about deforestation?
Zoha : Yes. Today deforestation is a global problem. The random cutting down of trees and plants is called deforestation.
Rafiq : Could you please tell me the principal causes of this curse/problem?
Zoha : Illiteracy and extreme poverty are the prime causes of deforestation.
Rafiq : Is there any other reason of this dangerous problem?
Zoha : Civic unawareness and over-population are also great causes of this evil practice.
Rafiq : What is the result/danger of deforestation?
Zoha : Deforestation causes ecological imbalance and brings about various natural disasters .
Rafiq : How can we get rid of this curse?
Zoha : The cutting down of trees must be stopped, early marriage must be banned, social awareness must be raised about the danger of deforestation.
Rafiq : Thanks a lot because I have learned much about the danger of deforestation. No more today. Good bye!
Zoha : You are most welcome. See you again. Good bye!

One Response

  1. Afrin mimi January 28, 2020

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