Email About Bad Effect of Smoking

Email About Bad Effect of Smoking : Suppose, your friend, Munir who lives in Khulna, has become a smoker. You know smoking is a bad habit and it causes many fatal diseases. Now write an e-mail to your friend describing the bad effects of smoking. The e-mail can be sent to reduan@

In your e-mail you should include- a subject line · salutation/ greetings · the serious effects of
smoking · request to give up this bad habit · a closing mark and your name.

Email About Bad Effect of Smoking
Email About Bad Effect of Smoking

Subject : Bad effects of smoking

Dear Munir
Hope you are hale and hearty by the blessings of almighty Lord. I am also fine by His grace. However, from reliable source I have come to learn that you are addicted to smoking. I am very much concerned about the matter. And so I can not but write to you about this. Smoking is a very bad habit and it causes many fatal diseases like cancer, bronchitis, asthma and different respiratory problems. Smoking harms not only the smokers but also the non-smokers. It damages one’s appetite and hampers one’s productivity. It also pollutes environment and one kind of malodour is created by it. Eventually it leads one to the land of death. Therefore, you should give up smoking for your massive development.
No more today. More when we shall meet together. Convey my compliments to dear uncle and aunty.

Yours ever

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