My First Day at college story in english

My first day at College story
My first day at College story

My First Day at college story: My first day at college was really thrilling. I shall never forget the day. On that day, I began a new chapter of my life with new hopes and aspirations.
When I put my first step on the college boundary, I felt an immense feeling of thrill and excitement. It seemed to me that with my first step in the college, I had reached a higher goal of my life. Then I along with other
students was given a grand reception by the senior students. When the bell for my first class rang, I rushed to the classroom with a heart full of expectations.

When the class teacher began his lecture, I listened to him enthusiastically and hoped that someday I would become a college teacher like him. After first class, I became very friendly with some of my classmates and shared our joy and excitement with one another. When our classes were over, I felt extremely happy and enthusiastically uttered the words: ‘Now I am a college student’. In fact I enjoyed the fact most that I was then a college student. I was thrilled, excited and stirred with dreams and high hopes on that day.

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