Winter Season in bangladesh composition For all

Winter Season in bangladesh composition : Bangladesh is a land of six seasons. Among them, winter is the fifth season and the colder part of the year, in contrast to summer. It sets in after late autumn and spreads over two Bengali months of Paws and Magh. In a word, winter is the best and most enjoyable season in Bangladesh.

Winter Season in bangladesh composition
composition on winter season in bangladesh

Features of winter in Bangladesh : Bangladesh is a tropical country. So, winter here is comparatively moderate than that in European countries. A stream of cold air flows eastward and enters Bangladesh through her north-west corner. The winter season is very dry in our country. It accounts for less than 4% of the total annual rainfall. The nights are
longer than the days and January is the coldest month.In Bangladesh, the lowest temperature of winter was recorded in 1905 which was only 1° celcius.

Nature in Winter: Winter is the season of fog and mists. Everything seems to be decrepit . Dew drops fall at night. When the morning sun peeps through the mists, they look like glittering beads of pearl on grass. The sky is cloudless and blue. Sometimes, biting cold wind blows. During this season, leaves of trees wither and drop off . So, nature looks bare.
Gifts of winter : Winter is the season of abundance . A larger variety of vegetables, such as cauliflower , cabbage , potato, brinjal , tomato etc. grow up abundantly in this season. Fish is also available in this season. Besides, juice is
extracted from dates and fruits also become prolific . During this time, the people make payes and various kinds of delicious cakes. Particularly winter season is pleasant to the farmers because many kinds of crops are harvested in this season. They fill their granaries with crops. As a result, the prices of foods and other essential commodities fall considerably.

Season of activities : Winter is the most suitable season for carrying out various activities in Bangladesh. The peasants remain busy with the last phase of gathering paddy from the fields. It is the best part of the year for travelling or going on a picnic. Many social functions and religious festivals of bangladesh are held in this season. It is also the season of outdoor games and sports.

A season odd for the have-nots : Winter is also a season of sorrow and distress for the poor who have nothing to tackle the severe cold. They suffer much for want of warm clothes and shiver in cold. They have no other option but to busk in the sun. Sometimes, they make fire with straws, dry leaves etc. in order to keep themselves warm. Moreover, the poor day labourers often have to remain at home in extreme foggy and misty weather. Their sorrows know no bounds. So, although winter is attractive to the rich, it is very painful for the poor.

Conclusion : Although winter is cold, its mild weather is truly enjoyable in Bangladesh. It awards us with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits. After all, it is the season of joviality which heralds the advent of spring season in Bangladesh.

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